Dive with tanks by your side, yes Sidemount diving. It reduces your resistance to movement in the water as you don’t carry a tank(s) on your back. So you’re really streamlined. As a sidemount diver you have many advantages and it also looks cool. Sidemount diving is not new by the way, it comes from cave diving. You can dive Sidemount with one tank, with two or more tanks. This is addressed at Tec Sidemount Diver. The Sidemount Diver Specialty is one of Course Director Chris’ favorites. She started it herself in 2011 and she has already made so many divers and Tec Divers happy with it.
Sidemount Diver, what are the advantages?
- Easily streamlined (immediate horizontal buoyancy in the water)
- Easy transport (including on the waterfront)
- Versatile (1, 2 or more tanks possible)
- Extra air (for example two x 7 liters or two x 12 litres)
- Accessibility (each diving school has two tanks for you)
- Adaptability (e.g. putting your bottles in the water)
- Problem solving (with back problems no need to carry a heavy tank)
- Perfect step to Technical diving (no need for a double set)
Click here and see how Sidemount skills are trained in a 150 cm pool. Would you like to give the configuration a try?
PADI Instructor Specialty Sidemount Diver
And now you want to become a Sidemount Diver Instructor. At the Instructor Specialty you learn all skills at a demo level. You will also learn how to prepare the equipment for your students. Every sidemount bce is different and you learn to deal with that too, because you want to give your students the best.
When can you start with the Sidemount Diver Specialty?
You are 15 years old and have a PADI Open Water Certificate (or equivalent). Sidemount gear is included in the course so you don’t have to worry about that. We start already with two students and make a plan together.
How long does the course last and what are the costs?
The Sidemount Specialty lasts 2 days and costs € 349,- including Sidemount Equipment. The Instructor training costs € 329,-. We do assume that you have your own sidemount equipment. If you book the combo student and Instructor Sidemount Dives, it costs € 579,- with your own equipment.
See also PADI’s website if you want more information.