Prices PADI Pro

Prijzen PADI ProThe PADI Pro prices for the PADI Exam and the PADI Fees at PADI have been adjusted for 2023. If you want to become a PADI Pro, make sure you are registered with the Chamber of Commerce so that you do not have to pay VAT. How do you do that? You then provide PADI with your VAT number and they ensure that the VAT is settled. If you take your exam in Egypt, you do not have to pay VAT on the exam fee if you are not registered with the Chamber of Commerce.

If you want to become a Specialty Instructor, do this with Chris the Course Director. You then pay much less than if you applied for instructor status yourself.

Do you have questions about the costs you have to pay. Feel free to contact us. We tell you exactly what costs there are for your course.


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