You are already a Dive Instructor at another diving organization and of course you can teach, for example CMAS, NAUI, NOB, SSI, WOSD, IADS, IDD or other. Still, you’ll want to do the Crossover to PADI Instructor because most students ask about PADI. Of course, all organizations have excellent diving courses. However, for worldwide work in the diving industry, PADI Dive Instructors are in demand because PADI is and remains the market leader. It’s easy to do a Cross-Over. You will be retrained in eight days.
So you can already teach diving
So you can already teach as a diving instructor, only you now will learn the PADI system and the latest techniques with skills. You learn the PADI way and this shows you during the two-day PADI exam. There is room for discussion, we discuss differences and we always give you the how and why. Of course, the Crossover to PADI Instructor fun is guaranteed. PADI Course Director Chris will make sure you learn a lot and of course you will have a lot of fun too. Many diving instructors from various organizations have already preceded you, both from the Netherlands and from Belgium and Egypt.
Cross Over to PADI? What do you need?
PADI has a cross over book package. You also purchase the digital IDC package and you also can choose to do a crossover to EFR. Then you also need the EFRI package. This is definitely recommended because it makes it easier to offer and provide Rescue courses.
So choose the Cross over to PADI program and sign up. You can follow this program in Sharm el Sheikh or in the Netherlands. There are various dates and Chris is happy to help you plan. You can first do the EFRI Cross0ver. Click
here, make an appointment and discuss your wishes. Once you graduate, you can teach worldwide. Many preceded you. The next opportunity in Egypt is in November 2023
Crossover and become PADI Dive Instructor
One of the comments we received from a Crossover Instructor was from Jos: “I did a Crossover from CMAS to PADI in February 2018 and I never thought I would learn so much from Chris. It was well worth it. And in a five millimeter dive in Sharm, at first I thought, ha how hot, it turns out that this one came in handy in December, also on the PADI Instructor Exam in Dahab. And of course I passed!’. ✔