As a PADI Instructor you have the opportunity to work in places others can only dream of. How great is that! The Open Water Scuba Training (OWSI), or PADI Dive Instructor training, changes your whole life and you will never forget it. It is of course exciting to start because it is quite an investment.When you follow the training with Course Director Chris, the OWSI course really just a party. After you pass the PADI Exam, you can teach as a PADI Dive Instructor in the Open Water Diver Course, the Advanced Course, the Rescue Diver Course and the Divemaster Course. Do you now also feel like moving on? You can start the online sessions tomorrow, because as an Assistant Instructor you already have the digital IDC crew pack at home. Not yet an Assistant Instructor? Go then to the IDC Page.
What do you do during the PADI Dive Instructor Course?
- You will work with the latest PADI IDC materials, available in various languages.
- We teach you to teach in real-time with briefings, debriefings and in prescriptive teaching.
- All water skills will be repeat at DEMO level wit neutral buoyancy.
- We will work with you in a practical way with interactive workshops.
- There will be workshops for the CESA, the descents and ascents.
- You will also receive a workshop with the lifting balloon and making knots.
- And you will receive Discover Scuba Diving, Adventure In Diving and Rescue workshops.
- There are of course Marketing Workshops because you also want to sell courses.
- With the Digital IDC Crew Pack you prepare to refresh your diving theory (diving knowledge workbook) because during the OWSI course you will receive an exam on the general guidelines and an exam on the topics you covered during your Divemaster Course learned.
- You get many practical examples of how to deal with which situation.
- Chris prepares you to become a PADI Instructor who can get started right away, anywhere in the world.
- PADI Assistant Instructor or equivalent.
- EFR certificate, not older than 24 months.
- A certified diver for at least 6 months.
- Medical Declaration signed by a dive physician, maximum one year old, at the time of the exam.
- 100 logged dives before taking the PADI exam
- At least 18 years old.
- You are EFR Instructor.
Paperwork required for the start of the Course
Course Materials
During the OWSI course you will use all the PADI materials you already have. You will also need your own equipment as described in the Instructor manual and various other supplies. You already have the IDC Crew Pack and complete the remaining presentations before the start of your Dive Instructor course. See also the materials page.
Preparation and Planning
Start your preparations right away. For information on this see the IDC preparations page because everything mentioned here also applies to you. . For exact dates for the OWSI see the last 4 days of the planned IDCs. These always go on. If you are now in a group of 4 and the dates do not come out, we can always make a plan together for your OWSI course
Instructor from another organization?
You can make a Cross Over to PADI by taking the PADI OWSI program. Even better, to attend the entire IDC. There are no additional costs involved. You will then get to know the full PADI Program. Ask for the conditions and then start your cross over to PADI. Book now your PADI Dive Instructor course or contact Chris.
You are PADI Instructor, and then …
- You will not become a millionaire!
- Keep learning yourself and teach in different courses.
- No one is perfect, you will make mistakes too.
- You are never too good and no one is the best.
- Dive regularly for FUN yourself!