What are the PADI Go Pro Courses?
IDC (Instructor Development Course)
The PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) is The Course to Become an Instructor. You learn to teach in theory, in the pool and in the open water. After this course, you will sit for the two-day independent PADI Exam. Once you pass, you can start teaching the PADI System right away. From Open Water Course to Divemaster Course. The IDC lasts eight days and is a combination of both Go Pro Courses, the Assistant Instructor and Open Water Scuba Instructor.
Assistant Instructor Course (AI)
The first part of the IDC is the PADI Assistant Instructor course. If you are a Divemaster, you can take the next step to become an Assistant Instructor first. You will then broaden your knowledge and receive teaching qualifications in more activities. You will also gain more experience before you progress to a full Open Water Scuba Instructor.
PADI OWSI (Open Water Scuba Instructor Course)
The PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor course closely follows the Assistant Instructor Course. You will become a full dive instructor and can teach independently and certify divers. You learn to train people from Open Water Diver to Divemaster. After the OWSI course you take the PADI Instructor exam. After you graduate, you can work independently anywhere in the world as a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI).
Follow more Go Pro Courses
Specialty Instructor
Specialty Instructor means that you specialize in certain dives that you enjoy teaching. Think, for example, of wreck diving, night diving, deep diving, etc. You can express your passion by teaching specialties. You teach divers special techniques and show them different dive sites. By teaching specialties you also get variety in your work as a diving instructor.
MSDT Program (Master Scuba Diver Trainer)
The MSDT program consists of five specialties and can be followed directly after your IDC. Because you can teach in a wide range of specialties, you are more versatile as a diving instructor. It gives variety in your work and if you have trained enough divers in different courses you can progress to Master Scuba Diver Trainer. This is an honorary title at PADI and demonstrates your teaching experience.
Climb up one more step
IDC Staff Instructor
As an IDC Staff Instructor, you will learn the PADI grading system to train new Instructors. You are a role model for new Instructor candidates. You assist a Course Director during IDCs, you give examples, both in the water and in the classroom. Many dive centers ask for the title of IDC Staff Instructor for a management position. In addition, it is an important step in your career if you want to open your own diving center. You can also take IDC audits and progress to Master Instructor.
Go Pro Other
Before participating in one of the above Go Pro Courses, like the IDC, you must be a Divemaster. To qualify as a PADI teacher, you need the EFR Instructor Course. After completing this course, you will become a full PADI Instructor and you can start teaching. You can also opt for the Zero to Hero Program. This means that you follow various courses (from Open Water Student to Divemaster) in a short time in succession and then you can move on to Instructor. ✔